Waheguroo ji ka khalsa, waheguroo ji ki fateh
Piyraio jio, daas has a benti to all the sangat. Please do ardaas for this moorakh, daas has been put down a lot by Niddar's chelle because of this seva. Comments such as:
‘You pushed a suicidal depressive further into depression. You should be ashamed of yourselves.’
Daas doesn’t want to be responsible for anybody's wrong actions and daas has been recieving numerous messages and phone calls by the sangat who are very close to daas, saying that you are wasting your time trying to bring the Niddars chelle together and advising them to come at the gurus feet.
A lot of abusive language has also been used by these individuals, which made daas think. Who is daas doing this for? The people that daas is trying to help, those same people are in turn hurting daas. Why is daas to blame for their bad actions, why don’t they stand up and tell Niddar that he destroyed their sangat with gursikhs and that he destroyed their chance to meet waheguroo.
After meeting one particular singh it became clear that he was very upset, to be amritthari and break is not a good sign, if he is depressed who is the person that caused this depression? Who is the person that messed up his life? Niddar! Niddar has openly said to the singhs that he is just using them, he puts people down infront of their face and yet many are still ready to give their lives for him.
The whole idea of this seva was to help those individuals who have become trapped in Niddars manmat views. Those people that eat meat, take drugs and follow other manmat which is preached by Niddar. This seva was only being done to help them realise their mistakes and embrace the sangat that they once had. Unfortunately, it has to be concluded that these people will never come out of the traps of maya, they are trapped in Niddars web and it will be hard for them to come out again.
Daas has a benti to all these singhs and singhnia, the sangat that you once had, that same sangat is ready to embrace you again with full arms, if you destroy your ego and come to the charran of the guru, the beautiful sangat you once had is ready to embrace you with full arms open.
To the unaffected sangat that daas is trying to get message across to, learn from their mistakes and don’t risk your chance to meet waheguroo for the sake of shastarvidiya, to say that shastar vidiya is the only effective martial art is complete nonesense. There are many martial arts which are effective on the streets and these will meet all of your requirements.
Daas will not carry on this seva, as it seems all ends are hopeless, daas didn’t want enemies but wants to be loved by all, but that love is not there if one hides behind Niddar. Come to the feet of the guru and guru maharaj will never disappoint you, maharaj is perfect, maharaj will give you all of the giyaan. Stop looking for short cuts and easy routes, they will only lead us to an unhappy, unfulfilled, dissapointed and wasted life. Jaap naam, read Gurbani and keep rehit, only then will you be truly happy.
This blog will still be up, as it aims to raise awareness of Niddar's plans to the sangat. Even if people carry on going, at least they will be more defensive and curious of what he preaches. Daas can still be contacted on pwalla@hotmail.co.uk, but frankly we can’t waste our time, we should use our time to jap naam, wake up amritwela, do abhiyaas, read gurbani and keep rehit, then mahraj will surely bless us with Khalsa raj
Khalsa Raj houga, hoke rehuga, jarror hoega!!!!!
Many thanks to the sangat who support daas, if daas finds any articles which will benefit the sangat then daas will put them up on this blog, if you feel that someone is falling into the traps of Niddar then please introduce them to this blog.
Waheguroo ji ka khalsa, waheguroo ji ki fateh