Monday, March 5, 2007
Last Benti!
Piyraio jio, daas has a benti to all the sangat. Please do ardaas for this moorakh, daas has been put down a lot by Niddar's chelle because of this seva. Comments such as:
‘You pushed a suicidal depressive further into depression. You should be ashamed of yourselves.’
Daas doesn’t want to be responsible for anybody's wrong actions and daas has been recieving numerous messages and phone calls by the sangat who are very close to daas, saying that you are wasting your time trying to bring the Niddars chelle together and advising them to come at the gurus feet.
A lot of abusive language has also been used by these individuals, which made daas think. Who is daas doing this for? The people that daas is trying to help, those same people are in turn hurting daas. Why is daas to blame for their bad actions, why don’t they stand up and tell Niddar that he destroyed their sangat with gursikhs and that he destroyed their chance to meet waheguroo.
After meeting one particular singh it became clear that he was very upset, to be amritthari and break is not a good sign, if he is depressed who is the person that caused this depression? Who is the person that messed up his life? Niddar! Niddar has openly said to the singhs that he is just using them, he puts people down infront of their face and yet many are still ready to give their lives for him.
The whole idea of this seva was to help those individuals who have become trapped in Niddars manmat views. Those people that eat meat, take drugs and follow other manmat which is preached by Niddar. This seva was only being done to help them realise their mistakes and embrace the sangat that they once had. Unfortunately, it has to be concluded that these people will never come out of the traps of maya, they are trapped in Niddars web and it will be hard for them to come out again.
Daas has a benti to all these singhs and singhnia, the sangat that you once had, that same sangat is ready to embrace you again with full arms, if you destroy your ego and come to the charran of the guru, the beautiful sangat you once had is ready to embrace you with full arms open.
To the unaffected sangat that daas is trying to get message across to, learn from their mistakes and don’t risk your chance to meet waheguroo for the sake of shastarvidiya, to say that shastar vidiya is the only effective martial art is complete nonesense. There are many martial arts which are effective on the streets and these will meet all of your requirements.
Daas will not carry on this seva, as it seems all ends are hopeless, daas didn’t want enemies but wants to be loved by all, but that love is not there if one hides behind Niddar. Come to the feet of the guru and guru maharaj will never disappoint you, maharaj is perfect, maharaj will give you all of the giyaan. Stop looking for short cuts and easy routes, they will only lead us to an unhappy, unfulfilled, dissapointed and wasted life. Jaap naam, read Gurbani and keep rehit, only then will you be truly happy.
This blog will still be up, as it aims to raise awareness of Niddar's plans to the sangat. Even if people carry on going, at least they will be more defensive and curious of what he preaches. Daas can still be contacted on, but frankly we can’t waste our time, we should use our time to jap naam, wake up amritwela, do abhiyaas, read gurbani and keep rehit, then mahraj will surely bless us with Khalsa raj
Khalsa Raj houga, hoke rehuga, jarror hoega!!!!!
Many thanks to the sangat who support daas, if daas finds any articles which will benefit the sangat then daas will put them up on this blog, if you feel that someone is falling into the traps of Niddar then please introduce them to this blog.
Waheguroo ji ka khalsa, waheguroo ji ki fateh
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Positive meeting with Satnam Singh
Waheguroo ji ka khalsa, waheguroo ji ki fateh
After a positive and touching meeting today with Satnam Singh whose pictures where displayed in the blog, we have decided to remove all of his pictures and comments about him. This is because of the following:
- He COMFIRMS he is now not part of Niddar.
- He also COMFIRMS that he now has no links with Niddar’s chelas
- He COMFIRMS he was with them but now is moving on with his life, which is a positive outcome.
- He COMFIRMS that he will try and become a better Sikh by stopping his bad actions, which is thanks to the guru.
- He has COMFIRMED that he will support us in anyway to tackle Niddar
He has requested that we tackle this issue properly by consulting individuals ‘face to face’. We can confirm that this will be taking place in the near future.
There are also bigger issues than this that the team is currently working on, such as external threats which the Khalsa Panth faces. This includes the conversion of Sikh and Hindu girls by Muslims. Satnam Singh has said that he will also help us with such activities. Daas hopes that he has now gone away after the meeting with a positive attitude and that he begins to progress in his Sikhi by staying away from threats such as Niddar. Daas believes that Niddar is the main cause of Satnam Singh moving away from the sangat and the guru.
This is a benti from Daas, if one stays at the feet of the guru, who only listens and follows to what the guru says then that person will never fall into the traps of the dushts of the Panth. Daas believes that Niddar is one of the main reasons for causing many singhs and singhnia to lose their piyaar for the Khalsa Panth and all of the jathbandees within the Panth. He has destroyed the chance for Satnam Singh or any others to meet Waheguroo or get mukti, but by waheguroos appar kirpa (blessings) Satnam Singh is now back on the right path and the guru has showed that there are people out there who love him and care for him because of his Khalsa roop. Thank you for your support Satnam Singh and we apologise for any inconvenience.
As you have realised Niddar Singh will not help you in anyway, he will only use you.
Waheguroo ji ka khalsa, waheguroo ji ki fateh
Nihang Baba Nihal Singh!
Nihang Baba Nihal Singh is respected by all. This blog is not agaisnt Nihangs but respects soormeh like Baba Nihal Singh. Please do further research on this gurmukh. Baba Nihal Singh ji has done much more sangat of gursikhs and much more naam / bani abhiyaas then these wannab Nihangs. Niddar also slanders such gurmukhs as Baba Nihal singh (Nihang) , Sant Jarnail Singh(Dam Dama Taksal) and Bhai Randheer Singh (Akhand Kerrtani Jatha). All having darshan of the gurus, where as Niddar has only got his vidiya, and will lead us to a unhappy life.
Where as Niddar talks about these Gurmukhs who have done seva for the panth all there lives, and some of these Gurmukhs carry on doing the seva while we are asleep here.
These stories were found by a gurmukh veer.
Story 1
1964 11 Sikhs were gunned down at Paonta Sahib (Himachal Pradesh) by the Mahant's henchmen.
The sangat of Poanta Sahib had requested head of Tarna Dal (not Nihal Singh, but the one before him) to visit the Gurdwara. They complained that the residing masand was abusing the Gurdwara premises through drinking, raping women that came alone, and making prostitutes dance inside. After several such requests Babaji decided to visit Poanta Sahib accompanied by 13 GurSikhs. They left, from Gurdwara Haria Welan Hoshiarpur, riding horses and horse drawn carts. When they arrived near Gurdwara Poanta Sahib, two GurSikhs carried Babaji's message for the masand requesting initiation of a Akhand Path at the Gurdwara. The masand did not give a definitive answer, instead assured to respond before the next morning. Meanwhile the masand confided with the local police chief, one of his corrupt friends who endorsed and permitted his evil acts.
Babaji started the Akhand Path next morning which proceeded uninterrupted for 2 days. On the 2nd day, the masand came with the police. They arrested Babaji who was outside at that time and fired at the GurSikhs inside, who were conducting the Akhand Path. The GurSikhs had no guns. For they had not come with the intent to fight, but rather to hear the sangat's concerns. As a result they were brutally massacred. Eleven died and two survived. As each Pathi was shot while reciting the Guru Granth Sahib, another simply pushed his body and continued the uninterrupted recitation of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Nihal Singh, 21 at the time, continued with his choar sewa (even when he had been shot 3 times) until the last GurSikh was shot. As the Akhand Path was interrupted, Nihal Singh finally fell. The only survivor was the youngest GurSikh, a 11 year old, who was found hiding behind a nagara (drums). Besides him all others were presumed dead. It wasn't until the bodies were being loaded up in a cart that a small child saw Nihal Singh breath and informed the local sikhs. The local sikhs who had gathered by now, screamed to get him some medical attention. Fortunately they succeeded in their efforts. He received medical attention and survived with Vaaheguru's grace. He was subsequently honored by many gurdwaras as "Jinda-Shaheed" Jathedar. The masand was finally removed. Akhand paths are held each year in the commemoration of this event.
1980 With the protection of Baba Nihal Singh, Krishan Kaur Khalsa was the first woman to perform kirtan, in recent time, within the confines of Sri Harimandir Sahib. Vikram Singh Khalsa was performing kirtan on the Gurupurab for the birthday for Guru Ram Das Ji. This kirtan was for a Bhog on the roof of the Harimandir Sahib -- not in the main hall. When he finished, he motioned for Krishna Kaur Khalsa to play. As she began some SGPC sevadars moved to stop her but Baba Nihal Singh and some other Nihungs stood in their
way and protected her right to perform kirtan within the confines of the Harimandir Sahib. Still no Sikh woman has performed kirtan in the main darbar.
In 1979, Sikhs of American descent performed Kirtan in Darbar Sahib for the very first time while observing Guru Ram Das's Prakash Utsav. Sardar Vikram Singh Khalsa, Ajeet Singh Khalsa, and Guru Sangat Singh
Khalsa performed kirtan in the main darbar
Story 3
1984: Baba Nihal Singh was Right Hand Man of Sant
Jarnail Singh, and had many gevious with the Indian
Army's and Politians
One Story i heard was that the Army raided the camp and caught Baba Nihal Singh Ji and his Singhs, and tied him upto a jeep and dragged him around the villages on a
rope,tearing his skin apart and painstakenly broke his arms and legs. They tied his beard up with his "nala" from his kachera and beated him continuously. But baba ji ,never gave up and like a Son Of Siri Guru Granth Sahib Jee withstood such pain, due there high jeevan.
You look at these gurmukhs jeevan and then you look at Niddar jeevan, daas asks everyone what good has Niddar has done for the panth which gives him the permission to slander these gurmukhs.
Waheguroo ji ka khalsa, waheguroo ji ki fateh
Next weeks article will be on Jathabandis, and Niddar! The Blog will be updated every week with a new article.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Benti to the sangat.
Benti to the sangat.
Daas and brothers took this seva given by the Guru because of the sangat that was falling, daas was very hurt and didn’t want them to fall and lose there chance to meet waheguroo. Daas has good news that these few people that daas loves very much have stopped going to Niddars lessons and are now training different martial arts, but more importantly are waking up amritwela, and staying awake throughout the whole day, not asleep like Niddars and chelle.
Piyari sadh sangat ji, daas and brothers has had the opportunity to do seva for the panth and bring awareness of a individual who has been doing no good. Who is destroying us, our sangat and our chance to meet waheguroo. This seva can only be parvaan if there are gursikhs who change there ways, so please daas has a benti to the sangat that you support daas, and BRING PEOPLE CLOSER TO THE GURU. DHAN DHAN GURU GRANTH SAHIB JI.
Daas has a benti to the sangat that you provide daas with stories, experiences, proof (pictures etc.) and how you can help in the seva. It can be anything from questions that you might have heard from a chelle or any queries on your mind about Niddars views or his chelle. Daas and the sangat will try and help you answer your questions (the ones daas feels that are appropriate, not the people that can only slander and support Niddar) please email daas on and daas will do an ardass if our Guru Granth sahib ji can help us out.
Waheguroo ji ka khalsa, waheguroo ji ki fateh!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Wake Up!
Ok sangat ji, Daas has done research and will be informing everyone of the FACTS about Niddar and his chele. Remember though, don’t just discuss this information amongst yourselves, take the initiative to find out about it and ask Niddar yourself, he will probably lie but chalo nothing new there. Daas is giving this message to the people that are free from Niddar’s traps, the ones that are trapped and dead in maya.
Daas has no motive to destroy the sangats feelings just the VIEWS and MANMAT activities that Niddar is carrying out. Daas is only trying so hard to give out the awareness because Daas and the Guru have
Niddar is not a NIHANG BUT a threat to Sikhi!!!!!!!!!
Niddar is not a Nihang at all, he is a disgrace to the Nihangs, the Nihangs are the army of the Guru, true Nihangs like Baba Nihal Singh do parchar of the Guru and only the Guru. Daas wants to say that Niddar and Nihangs are very different.
1. Nihangs state that Chatka should be done with one vaar and there is a set maryada for this. Niddar on the other hand says eating meat from anywhere is ok; it doesn’t matter if it’s done by maryada. FACT
2. Some of Niddars chele go to Clubs and touch up bibia. FACT
3. Nihang maryada is to do sukha, by making shardiyai and then adding a little bit of pang in there, cannabis. Niddar says alcohol is ok, and other booze is fine. Some of Niddar’s boys do A CLASS DRUGS. AGAINST NIHANG MARYADA. FACT
4. Niddars aim is to DESTROY SIKHI, the works of RSS and Muslims are also other threats to SIKHI. NIDDAR IS A THREAT TO THE SIKH PANTH!!! He attracts innocent individuals by shastar vidiya and then in later stages confuses them by his views and then destroys their life. FACT
5. Niddar believes, as proved on his site, that a KHALSA DOESN’T have to be amritthari, or take amrit from the panj piyareh. FACT.
Daas must have missed many more mentionable points. Niddar and his poor Chelle approve of almost everything that Sikhi condemns. Please do remember that Daas is not encouraging that we eat meat even if it is in maryada as it will affect ones spiritual journey but because this is still a panthic issue Daas and others need to respect it.
Sangat ji don’t just listen to Daas, find out for yourselves. Don’t just read and believe Daas, go out and ask the people that have been affected by Niddar and his chele, if any one has any FACTS they want to share then please email Daas or put them on the forum. The above information was only found out by Daas yesterday.
The birth of Niddar’s baby boy
Upon the birth of Niddar’s baby boy, Niddar, in his happiness, decided to order some meat from the meat shop and invited his chelle down to get high on booze. This event was open to all of his chelle and a few individuals that Daas has contact with. FACT
Niddar and his chelle high in front of Daas
Daas once went to a kirtan program at a Singh’s house, Niddar’s chelle were also present at the kirtan. Other individuals were also present but Daas doesn’t want to mention their names as they are only confused. Niddar is the person we need to move away from. However, there is one such name that Daas would like to mention, it is that of Nihang Manpreet Singh. This individual has gone off track and has now cut his hair. Astonishingly this Singh was also given a 'farla' from the Nihangs in
Manpreet Singh’s Wedding in
A few of Niddar’s chele went to
Daas agrees that Manpreet Singh or BOB didn’t associate much with Niddar but by associating with Niddar’s chelle, Manpreet Singh also become confused. By keeping the sangat of such people his views and his life had become distorted. It’s just as bad that his chelle are spreading his Manmat views.
Pictures of some of Niddar’s chelle and students
Below is the proof that you have all been awaiting, this Singh (the one with the meat) is Niddar’s BEST student, he has a high level of Shastar Vidiya and associates with Niddar a lot, again this chelle of Niddar is amritthari, Daas does not know his name but most people know him. The meat is obviously not made by Nihang maryada and it proves the FACTS.
Inappropriate behaviour, if this is what snantan sikhi is then Daas wants nothing to do with such people. Niddar has messed these guys up and hundreds more. Obviously the Guru has pity on you guys that’s why they have been caught by a number of the sangat and the evidence and proof has been present to them.
Gursikho open your eyes, wake up and stay away from Niddar!!!! These guys once thought that they were ‘just’ learning Niddar’s shastar viidya but look at where it has brought them; they will have no raas of naam or be able to get Mukti if they carry on. Oh brothers why have you taken such a step that DESTROYED YOUR CHANCE TO MEET GOD.
Please, this is a humble benti that the sangat does ardaas for these people. Have pity on them please, our ONLY INTENTION IS TO BRING THEM BACK TO THE FEET OF THE GURU. PLEASE DO EXTRA PATH FOR THESE PEOPLE AND ASK FOR CHARDIKALA OF THE PANTH.
The innocent people will be there thinking ‘…wow it’s written in this granth…’, when they really won’t have a clue on what is being said. Whereas people of AKJ, TAKSAL and some NIHANG GROUPS who have naam and gurbani in their heart will be able to step forward and say this is wrong, please stop spreading your OWN MAT!!!
JathaBandis (Groups)
SANGAT JI, IN THE YOUTH, TAKSAL AND AKJ ARE TOGETHER, WE WILL CARRY ON BEING TOGETHER AND WILL LOVE EACH OTHER AS BROTHERS. These people will spread false claims about the two jathabandis, we might have a little bit of a difference but when there is a DUSHT attacking the KHALSA PANTH then these two jathas will JOIN HAND IN HAND AND FIGHT. THERE IS A GOOD FUTURE FOR BOTH JATHAS (GROUPS). FACT!
People that go to Niddar are also to blame, by supporting his classes you are supporting him and his views, you to will get punished by Guru ji when the time comes. Take this example, a Singh goes to Niddar but this Singh is strong, he has bani in his heart and a strong jeevan, others will look and say ‘…oh he goes to Niddar and he’s fine…’ But those individuals that make such comments may have no jeevan at all, their Sikhi may be weak and if they were to go to Niddar’s lessons, their tender hearts would be penetrated by his manmat views causing them to fall within a matter of time because of the weaknesses in their own jeevan. That doesn’t mean to say that if you have a strong jeevan then it is ok for you to attend Niddar’s lessons. By attending, you are only causing other people to become attracted into going, as they will think that if your unaffected then they will also remain unaffected. If such weak hearted Sikhs fall then your jeevan will also drop and you will be held responsible for causing others to fail in their Sikhi. Mahraj will punish you more than them.
[font"gurbaniwebthick"]BeI prwpiq mwnuK dyhurIAw ][/font]
bhee paraapath maanukh dhaehureeaa ||
This human body has been given to you.
goibMd imlx kI ieh qyrI brIAw ]
This is your chance to meet the Lord of the Universe.
Avir kwj qyrY ikqY n kwm ]
avar kaaj thaerai kithai n kaam ||
Nothing else will work.
imlu swDsMgiq Bju kyvl nwm ]1]
mil saadhhasa(n)gath bhaj kaeval naam ||1||
Join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; vibrate and meditate on the Jewel of the Naam. ||1||